Cacao Insights

Three bags of ceremonial cacao from Pure Kakaw

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Pure kakaw

— ” The Mayans used the word ‘kakaw’ which we use in our name with respect to a time when cacao flourished in culture and spirit. We feel it is time again to experience how cacao can support us in a happy, healthy and positive life. “

Pure Kakaw is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
It was founded by Erik and Leonie in 2018, after they returned from a long travel and stay in South and Central America, where they encountered cacao for the first time.

"We want to share our passion and experience, and explore further why many native people valued cacao so highly."

N.B. : This article contains an affiliate link and a 10% discount code available on a first purchase. These advantages are here to compensate the time and work we put in our project. Yet, we’re dedicated to staying objective in our analyses.
Enjoy them if you want to try new cacaos while supporting us 🙂

The beginnings

The project is born after travelling through South and Central America, where they had their first experience with cacao drinks.

« Before, we only knew cacao as the ingredient for chocolate or chocolate milk. Apart from the health benefits, less is known about its tradition as a sacred plant. We learned how cacao as an ingredient for most chocolate is highly processed for taste, costs and derivative products. This processing destroys healthy and active ingredients which make cacao so special. Experiencing the power of pure cacao added a whole new view. An experience we love to share. »

Alta Verapaz ceremonial cacao from Pure Kakaw
Matagalpa ceremonial cacao from Pure Kakaw

And they’ve been sharing it ever since they came back in their home country.
But when they decided to do so, one thing was of the utmost importance.

If they were to bring this sort of cacao to Europe, they would only do it so that it benefits directly the people who make it, whom they met in person. A family-owned farm where cacao is grown and transformed into paste.

Their adventure started with Matagalpa, their Nicaraguan cacao, which they source directly from the farm, import in the Netherlands by themselves and distribute in Europe.
Hand-selected beans, mastered fermenting + roasting, and stone grinding ensures one fo the highest quality standard  you could expect for cacao,  preserving all the aromatic and active compounds.

The diversification

Their success quickly allowed them to diversify their range, while being guided by the same ethos. Only single farms applying high quality standards and traditional inherited knowledge. Farms that they’ll visit personnally, in order to create a true bond, a partnership over a commercial courtesy.

So in 2019 they added Alta Verapaz to their rotation —a cacao directly sourced and imported from a farm located in the eponym region in Guatemala— before doing it again in 2021 with Cusco, adding a contrasting and refreshing Peruvian cacao flavor.

Their range is then based on those 3 origins, bringing to the table 3 completely different aromatic & energetic profiles, a topic that we’ll dive into in our next articles in this series.

Pure Kakaw’s offer is also composed of different props that can help you set up your own ritual. From frothing tools to help you get this reverred thick foam, to delicious spices coming from the same farm which produces their Guatemalan cacao.

Another recent addition : a selection of 2 functional (medicinal) mushroom blends, providing a different type of health-supporting benefits, combining very well with cacao and its catalytic role.

To round this up, they also periodically collaborate with local Dutch ceramists to offer handmade cacao cups.
A complete range dedicated to making each cacao cup a beautiful moment.

Three handmade cacao cups

What's next

Pure Kakaw — and through it, Erik and Leonie — holds a special place in our hearts as we’ve been collaborating for two years before taking on our own project. We’re grateful for the friendship we share, and for the opportunity we created together that allowed us, among other things, to learn so much about cacao.

Next to come is a series of articles unravelling all the secrets of each one of their cacaos.
This will be followed by an interview of Erik and Leonie, shedding light on even more insights about their story, how they interact with cacao personally and professionnally, and their plans for the future of the brand.

If you’d like to try their cacaos, enjoy 10% off your first order with our code : CACAOINSIGHTS.

And as a final word, a summary of their goals, in their own terms :

+ Bring back traditional cacao drinks to daily life.
+ Support agroforestry farming, ecology and biodiversity.

+ Create transparency and fairness in the supply chain.
+ Bridge spirituality and science for healthy living.