Cacao Insights

The Cacao Club presentation, range of discs

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The Cacao Club

— Combining cacao with herbs & plants, making it a proper medicine designed for your own ritual use, that’s what The Cacao Club is about!

The Cacao Club is an Australian brand. Their office and facility are situated in Melbourne.

It was founded by Jordan Cohayney back in 2016 (in London at the time). She was first sharing cacao while holding circles & rituals and quickly came up with her signature herb infused cacao discs in 2017.

" The medicinal properties of cacao, and its ability to create synergies with other plants or herbs, were always central in the brand’s story — which makes perfect sense knowing Jordan is a trained herbalist & naturopath. "

N.B. : This article contains an affiliate link and a 10% discount code available for a first purchase. These advantages are here to compensate the time and work we put in our project. Yet, we’re dedicated to staying objective in our analyses.
Enjoy them if you want to try new cacaos while supporting us 🙂

An Organic Growth

From sharing cacao in circles, to sharing cacao discs | A planted seed
When The Cacao Club made its debut, Jordan was actively sharing her love and interest for cacao as a medicine, in the form of rituals and ceremonies. Quite quickly, as the popularity of her events grew, she started crafting her own discs in her kitchen so people could bring them home and make a ritual of their own.
The medicinal properties of cacao, and its ability to create synergies with other plants or herbs, were always central in the brand’s story — which makes perfect sense knowing Jordan is a trained herbalist & naturopath.
Since the making of her very first discs, her intention was to share and enhance cacao’s healing potential through the use of medicinal herbs, so one’d become its own healer.
A cacao disc wrapped in golden foil, from The Cacao Club
Breaking a cacao disc into pieces
Collaborating with other makers | Building strong roots

The first synergies she created actually went beyond the herb infused discs she made. In fact, The Cacao Club was promoting and reselling Ceremonial Grade Cacao from other makers for a while, some of whom actually appear in our very own Cacao Guide.

This would allow for beautiful connections, experiences and gave the founder some space to finetune her own sourcing and making process.

It also led to a time of experimentation: as the demand for discs was outgrowing the brand’s initial production capacity, Jordan was able to outsource it for more than a year to trustful partners, trying to put together the most meaningful process in order to respect the essence of the brand.
Read more about these exciting times in our insightful conversation with her!

Going in-house and matching its purpose | Full Bloom

Then came the year 2020 and its share of unexpected yet necessary decisions, which ended up pushing The Cacao Club — through a big moving from England to Australia — to fully mature into the brand we know today.

Resulting from this was a big change in the production process, which came back in-house, but this time well equiped and organized to handle a fair production pace, bean-to-bar style.

The brand was then able to provide its full product range while making transparency and traceability two core values of the project, growing step by step towards its new identity, revealed in 2021.

This turning point also marked the release of its former collaborations.

The Cacao Club presented itself fully aligned with its concept: a variety of medicinal cacao discs, carefully infused with herb/plant blends, designed to provide support corresponding to a specific need or moment.

The right concept for the right purpose

Making the right product takes some time & effort, especially when you intend to grow your company organically.

No shortcuts can make up for the insightful, experimental path. The one which led Jordan to come up with the right sequence for her products to showcase the essence she infused in the early days of her project. 

As we approached TCC’s range of cacao, we found ourselves pondering over the obvious question: “Will we actually feel what it says we’ll feel?!”

Eager to have an objective answer, we’ve put in our best efforts to make our experimentation as close as it could be to a blind test.
One thing is certain, the very interest of the inclusion (or blend) reveals here, as it somehow « forces us » into asking ourselves «What may cacao bring me? », and actually go and seek for it.

Mixing and frothing cacao in a pan

What's next

Another connection for us to be trully thankful for, Jordan introduced us to her vision and her cacao range with arms wide open, guiding us through blends’ uncharted territory.

Interesting concept & recipes, artisanal process, quality cacao, sourcing and programs honoring the land, the plant, the farmers and the cultures where it comes from, not to mention the sleek and educative packaging…

As many topics we’re ready to dive in, trying to shed a light on The Cacao Club’s process and its intricate details.

To do so, we’ll first share our regular profiling format about the ‘Ceremony’ disc, which is 100% pure cacao, to provide a fair comparison with its counterparts in the Cacao Guide.

We’ll then present the 4 different blends in a dedicated article, focusing on the differences in effects, as taste is obviously altered by each inclusion.

Last but not least, we’ll share our interview with Jordan, where we take a deep dive into her purpose, the brand’s story, how she came up with the recipes and many more interesting topics.

If you’d like to experiment with The Cacao Club’s cacao discs, enjoy 10% off your first order with our code : CACAOINSIGHTS.

And as a final word, an abstract of The Cacao Club’s mission, in their own terms : 

« The Cacao Club was born out of a deep desire to help people connect to the Earth and to their own bodies in order to find deeper meaning and fulfilment.[…]
We exist to bridge the gap between science and tradition by facilitating meaningful connection that awakens people to the healing potential that exists within themselves.

Jordan, founder of The Cacao Club
Jordan, founder of The Cacao Club