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The 4 Blends

— Unveiling cacao’s medicinal essence by combining its healing potential with its catalyst and carrier properties.

The point of this article is inspired by the point Jordan made while designing those blends :

To encourage people to become their own healers.

Cacao’s ability to create synergies and combine beautifully with other medicines is well known, but how does it translate experimentally when trying the very same paste enhanced with different herbs combinations?

Read on to find out!

"We made a point of pushing this experience to the closest we could get to a blind tasting, trying not to be influenced by the names given to each disc."

N.B. : This article contains an affiliate link and a 10% discount code available for a first purchase. These advantages are here to compensate the time and work we put in our project. Yet, we’re dedicated to staying objective in our analyses.
Enjoy them if you want to try new cacaos while supporting us 🙂













The Cacao Club is the first brand to appear in our Cacao Guide with blends, the reason being that they were designed with a purpose going beyond the culinary aspect.

The brand offers a range of five ceremonial cacao discs — all different in taste & effectsmade from the same Guatemalan beans basis.

We chose to share our complete « profiling » article, covering the usual info & details, for their pure version only, rightly named ‘Ceremony’.

We’ll stick to the ‘effects’ section for the four others below, as the infused herbs and inclusions obviously modify taste, smell, texture…

We were curious to know how these inclusions would actually affect our experiences.
So we made a point of pushing this experience to the closest we could get to a blind tasting, trying not to be influenced by the names given to each disc, as they clearly indicate the blend’s purpose.

We hope this article will help to shed a light on cacao’s beautiful ability to create synergies and inspire you to try those very blends, or to make some in your own way.
Without further ado, here are the results of our experiences!

'Calm' Blend

— { Siberian Ginseng, Ashwagandha, Hawthorn Berry } —

→ Rest | Presence | Awareness

Compared to the ‘Ceremony’ disc, its effects were less tangible in how it affected our minds. Our bodies, however, witnessed the difference. Now bear with us as we try to describe the intricate nuances we could experience.

This ‘Calm’ blend gave us a sense of intensified presence, that at some point merged with a certain kind of alertness. We could easily converse and follow our train of thoughts, feeling focused and on point.

Combined to that sensation: a not-so-grounding resting feeling.


All in all, the mental chatter was turned down to a point where it was easy to focus on one thing at a time, while giving our bodies just enough relief to feel calmer without sinking too deep into relaxation.

We first felt the effects arising from our bodies, more specifically coming from our throats, in the form of a light pressure. This was very clear for both of us, before we started sharing and influencing each other.

It then spread over to our bellys before radiating in our whole bodies.

'Calm' Cacao disc with coconut flakes inclusions

'Intimacy' Blend

— { Rose, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Tahini } —

Fulfilling | Nourishing | Soothing ⟵

'Intimacy' Cacao Disc, showing rose petals inclusions

This cacao felt like a warm embrace. We couldn’t help but notice the difference in texture compared to its peers — due to the added tahini which proved to be a perfect addition.

The silk & smooth mouthfeel certainly contributed to the experience’s smoothness.

More like the ‘Ceremony’ blend, the effects came up subtly, slowly coating our minds and inviting us in an open-hearted conversation. Looking back at the experience, we can picture this cacao like a peaceful and flourishing garden, adequate for heart-to-heart connections or closing a practice that would imply handling a safe space.

'Focus' Blend

— { Brahmi, Sage, Rosemary } —

→ Soft | Warming | Gentle

This blend was the subtlest we experienced among the whole range.

We were pleasantly surprised by the heat it helped generate in our bodies and this is actually how we got to witness its effects coming up.

The usual uninhibiting effect of cacao was the slightest, nor were we heavily attracted to the depths of relaxation, this drink brought us a most gentle experience, softly drifting us into a good place.

'Focus' Cacao Disc

'Sleep' Blend

— { Lavender, Chamomile, Ashwagandha, Passionflower, Skullcap } —

Potent | Comforting | Introspective ⟵

'Sleep' Cacao Disc

Funnily enough, the ‘Sleep’ blend was for us the most potent blend of the range.

Quite quickly, we started feeling a kind of energetic vibration, pulsing through our bodies. Romane felt it in her belly first while I could feel it in my face.

Within a few minutes after we finished our drinks, we found ourselves settling in our own bubbles. Our focus was sharp and our minds’ distracting thoughts turned off.

On top of that, we could feel the weight of our bodies increasing. All the signs of a rather strong cacao.

It peaked to an almost intense level and lasted the longest compared to its peers.

We could envision using this cacao during a ceremony, or as a support for practices encouraging inner work. We both felt a profound will to be still and contemplate  during our experiences.

We hope you enjoyed this content! If you’d like to try those blends, feel free to use our 10% discount code: CACAOINSIGHTS, available on your first order.