Cacao Insights

Why is Cacao called ‘Ceremonial’?

Originally, it wasn’t necessary to qualify cacao as ‘Ceremonial’ as it was fully part of certain Mesoamerican and South-American traditions and cultures. The ceremonial or sacred aspect was a given. But as most of these traditions have been forgotten or barely kept alive, a new name had to reappear in order to describe this whole concept, and the concept itself had to be re-introduced.

Caroline de Surany | Cacao practitioner

Through a heartfelt conversation in a hidden garden of the French Riviera, Caroline shares with us her personal journey with cacao, and how she uses it to help people.

What is Ceremonial Cacao? | An introduction

Over the ages, Cacao has been used for different purposes, consumed in various ways by numerous cultures.
Giving a proper definition to what is now called « ceremonial cacao » is then a complex matter. Let’s discuss it!