Cacao Insights

The Cacao Club | Interview de Jordan

Dès le début de sa relation avec le cacao, elle a compris la puissance de ses caractéristiques de vecteur et de catalyseur, s'ajoutant à ses propriétés médicinales inhérentes. À travers ce prisme, elle a développé une vision du cacao comme étant capable de réconcilier les gens avec les plantes médicinales à un niveau très large.

The Cacao Club | Les 4 Assemblages

Click & Shop The Cacao Club Discount code — CACAOINSIGHTS The 4 Blends — Unveiling cacao’s medicinal essence by combining its healing potential with its catalyst and carrier properties. The point of this article is inspired by the point Jordan made while designing those blends : To encourage people to become their own healers. Cacao’s ability […]

The Cacao Club | Ceremony, Guatemala

'Ceremony', 100% Pure cacao disc from The Cacao Club

Click & Shop The Cacao Club Discount code — CACAOINSIGHTS Ceremony, Guatemala — A 100% ceremonial cacao disc, to purely connect with the essence of cacao. ‘Ceremony’ adds up to the number of Guatemalan cacao we’ve been given to experience. It is also our first properly recurring origin, as another brand in the Cacao Guide […]

The Cacao Club | Plantes médicinales et synergies

The Cacao Club presentation, range of discs

The medicinal properties of cacao, and its ability to create synergies with other plants or herbs, were always central in the brand’s story — which makes perfect sense knowing Jordan is a trained herbalist & naturopath. Since the making of her very first discs, her intention was to share and enhance cacao’s healing potential through the use of medicinal herbs, so one’d become its own healer.